Curriculum and syllabi for master study program “Law and Gender”

The main intellectual output (IO1) of the LAWGEM project is development of Curriculum for the future master study program “Law and Gender”. It contains four common mandatory courses, called: 1) Feminist Legal and Political Theories, 2) Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective, 3) International and EU Law and Gender Equality and 4) Feminist Judgements. The course Methodology and Practical Skills, consisting of Gender equality glossaries analysis, research methodology, English legal terminology, and Internet skills, is also mandatory.  For all students will be also mandatory to attend the Legal Clinic called Gender Equality Legal Clinic. In the first semester the above mentioned five mandatory courses shall be attended by all students of the study program. In the second semester the student shall opt for four courses from the list of given courses.

Curriculum for master study program “Law and Gender”

Syllabi for mandatory and optional courses of the master study program “Law and Gender”

  1. Methodology and Practical Skills
  2. Feminist Political and Legal Theories
  3. Human Rights Law – Gender Perspective
  4. International and European Law and Gender Equality
  5. Feminist Judgements
  6. Gender Issues in Comparative Legal History
  7. Private Law and Gender Equality
  8. Public Law and Gender Equality
  9. Gender Equality and Business Law
  10. Gender Economics
  11. Gender Equitable Taxation
  12. Gender Competent Family Law
  13. Gender Competent Criminal Law
  14. Gender Competent Criminology
  15. Gender Perspective of Labour Law
  16. Gender Perspective of Social Security Law
  17. Sociology of Law and Gender Equality 
  18. Public Policies on Gender Equality