With the support of UN Women, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law organized bilingual conference “Gender (In)Equality of Persons with Disability”. An important part of the conference that was held on 20 September 2021 was keynote presentation on empowerment of women and girls with disability. Presentation was delivered by Lyazzat Kaltayeva, chair of Central Asian Disability Forum and Association of Women with Disabilities “Шырак”.
Lyazzat Kaltayeva of Kazakhstan is the chair of the Central Asian Disability Forum and chair of the Association of Women with Disabilities “Shyrak”. Through “Shyrak”, she has built a network of women with disabilities, entitled, “Central-Asian Network of Leaders and Organizations of Women with Disabilities.” Ms. Kaltayeva is also a member of the National Council on disability and of the National Commission for Women’s Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan, as well as advisor of the Minister of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan. She was awarded at the Asia Pacific Award of fighters for the rights of people with disabilities.