Prof. Dr Silke Ruth Laskowski, New Ways for Gender Equality: Gender Quota for Political Participation

In April 2021, the Europa-Institut – International Law School of the Law Faculty of Saarland University hosted an online conference entitled “New Quality in Education for Gender Equality”, that took place within the framework of the LAWGEM project. An important … Continued

Research and Policy Study “Achieving Gender Equality at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law”

  Dragica Vujadinović, Ljubinka Kovačević, Tanasije Marinković, Ivana Krstić, Marko Davinić, Achieving Gender Equality at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law: Research and Policy Study University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Belgrade, 2020, ISBN 978-86-7630-939-9. E-Book in English (PDF)E-Book … Continued

Thomas Giegerich (ed.), Gender Equality and Gender Quotas for Political Participation in Europe: Comparative, International and Supranational Perspectives

In April 2021, the Europa-Institut – International Law School of the Law Faculty of Saarland University hosted an online conference entitled “New Quality in Education for Gender Equality”, that took place within the framework of the LAWGEM project. An important … Continued

Natalija Lukić, Kaznena politika prema ženama – teorijska analiza i stanje u Srbiji The first part of the paper is dedicated to theoretical explanations of penal policy for women. The author presents criminological opinions regarding the assertion that women are being punished not as tough as men in criminal proceedings. Special attention … Continued

Natalija Lukić, Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu – studija o identifikaciji podgrupa, Crimen (Beograd) 2019, vol. 10, br. 3, str. 257-277 The paper theoretically and empirically analyzes girl’s crime and especially is oriented toward possible identifying of two distinct subgroups of girls offenders: aggressive and non aggressive. Considering that in criminological literature term aggression is not the same as the … Continued

Lecture of Prof. Dr Susanne Baer “Teaching Gender Studies in Law: Opportunities and Challenges for the Legal Profession”

In her lecture, Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer pointed out that law has, in most contexts, developed without a proper recognition of gender. As a result, legal systems and the theories that inform them have largely relied on a stereotypical image … Continued

Lecture of Prof. Dr Liisa Husu “Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education: Nordic Perspective”

The Nordic countries – Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – can be characterized as global leaders when it comes to overall gender equality of society. In all five countries, gender equality promotion in academia and science has been actively … Continued

Lecture of Prof. Dr Jeff Hearn “Men and Masculinities in Academia, Higher Education and Science”

Gender inequalities persist in higher education. Gender and gender relations do not only concern the categories of women and girls; they also concern the categories of men and boys, as well as further gendered and sexual categories such as LGBTIQ+ … Continued

Lecture of Prof. Dr Marina Blagojević Hughson “Gender equality and knowledge production: Hierarchies of Exclusion”

The key note presentation “Gender equality and knowledge production: Hierarchies of Exclusion” had three parts. In the first part, Prof. Dr. Marina Hughson set up a scene for the issue of gender equality in higher education in Serbia, going beyond … Continued

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