Уредницa: Проф. др Ивана Крстић Зборник радова је настао у оквиру стратешког пројекта Правног факултета Универзитета у Београду „Проблеми стварања, тумачења и примене пра- ва,” пријавом истраживачке групе за обраду теме „Значај Истанбулске конвенције о спречавању и борби против насиља … Continued

Book ‘Intersectional Discrimination of Women and Girls with Disabilities and Means of their Empowerment’

The implementation of LAWGEM project has led to the publication of books of great importance not only for teaching staff, but also for legal practitioners, students, as well as anyone else interested in acquiring a better understanding of contemporary gender … Continued

Book “Law and gender in education and practice”, Isabel Ribes Moreno (directora) y Teresa Pontón Aricha (coordinadora), Thompson Reuters / Aranzadi, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2022.

The edited volume “Law and gender in education and practice” is an additional result to LAWGEM Project, since it contains papers presented at the international congress that University of Cadiz organized from 19th to 20th July 2021, to address the … Continued

Prof. Dr Silke Ruth Laskowski, New Ways for Gender Equality: Gender Quota for Political Participation

In April 2021, the Europa-Institut – International Law School of the Law Faculty of Saarland University hosted an online conference entitled “New Quality in Education for Gender Equality”, that took place within the framework of the LAWGEM project. An important … Continued

Research and Policy Study “Achieving Gender Equality at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law”

  Dragica Vujadinović, Ljubinka Kovačević, Tanasije Marinković, Ivana Krstić, Marko Davinić, Achieving Gender Equality at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law: Research and Policy Study University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, Belgrade, 2020, ISBN 978-86-7630-939-9. E-Book in English (PDF)E-Book … Continued

Thomas Giegerich (ed.), Gender Equality and Gender Quotas for Political Participation in Europe: Comparative, International and Supranational Perspectives

In April 2021, the Europa-Institut – International Law School of the Law Faculty of Saarland University hosted an online conference entitled “New Quality in Education for Gender Equality”, that took place within the framework of the LAWGEM project. An important … Continued

Natalija Lukić, Kaznena politika prema ženama – teorijska analiza i stanje u Srbiji

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349029751_Kaznena_politika_prema_zenama_-_teorijska_analiza_i_stanje_u_Srbiji The first part of the paper is dedicated to theoretical explanations of penal policy for women. The author presents criminological opinions regarding the assertion that women are being punished not as tough as men in criminal proceedings. Special attention … Continued

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